Peri-urban agriculture at Bangkok's urban fringe
The Covid-19 ("Corona") pandemic has had huge impacts on everyday lives and lifeworlds. Whilst many research projects focus on stressors and negative outcomes of pandemic-induced transformation, COVLess identifies and assesses opportunities ermerging through attempts to cope with the crisis, and highlights lessons that can be, or have already been, learnt from dealing with the pandemic.
Food insecurity is a major concern and has been aggravated as a challenge in the course of the Covid-19 pandemic. Coupled with dwindling social cohesion, especially during "lockdown" periods and in large cities, urban residents have been forced or motivated to come up with new solutions to cope. Using societal transformation in Bangkok and Singapore as cases in point, the COVLess project focuses on these innovative, creative concepts which try to stabilise everyday routines of urban citizens.
In COVLess, FAU geographers, in close collaboration with partners in Singapore and Thailand, aim to investigate how alternative urban food systems and networks (such as so-called community-supported agriculture and other civil society based initiatives) can combine urban food and nutrition security with environmentally sound production and utilisation approaches and a just and fair access to food resources for all citizens, to promote social cohesion in urban lifeworlds under stress.
COVLess is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.
A research project conducted by Prof. Dr. Fred Krüger, Prof. Dr. Axel Drescher and partners, c/o FAU, Institute of Geography, Wetterkreuz 15, 91058 Erlangen. Germany